We implement your ideas – product samples, demonstration models, trade fair models, training models …

Oesophagus Box

Development of a model to demonstrate and practice endoscopy techniques in the gullet.

  • Variceal ligation
  • Stenoses
  • Oesophageal stents

Polyp plate

Development and implementation of a model to demonstrate the cutting of polyps, e.g. in the stomach, with different slings.

Demonstration model for the field service for customers and during events.

Model bile duct

Development and implementation of a model to demonstrate the cutting of polyps, e.g. in the stomach, with different slings.

  • Stents
  • Basket
  • Balloons

Cyst drainage model

Development of a demonstration and practice model for the endoscopic drainage of cysts in the area of the stomach wall.

Model injecting the stomach wall

Development of a model to practice the injection of special fluids into the stomach wall.



And what is


project idea?

You have an idea, a new product or need something demonstrative for marketing or sales?

Feel free to contact us.